Thank you for taking interest in me, and reading my info.
My nick is h-var. I am a soundtrack composer, and my biggest inspirations come from sci-fi movies about space, technology, cyberpunk, video games, history, astronomy, and philosophical books.
H-var means “H-variable” or “Human Variable” – in a sense of human being an unknown – a variable in an unimaginably complicated, yet possible to pre-determine processes in our universe. The human factor introduces uncertainties, which lead to more than one ways towards the ultimate outcome. Even though these introduced variations might be almost infinitely small on the scale of events which are unfolding during our existence, they still might as well be the only ones in the entire universe. The processes in our universe are governed by the laws physics which are way above our heads, and yet these laws will never change which makes our universe predictable from its beginning towards its end. Humans are not following the laws of the universe, but rather found a way to escape them by discovering … humanity in us.
If you are a game or film producer who needs a reliable, creative and original composer, you can check out my personal (non-commercial) works and if you like my music style then I can compose something for your project as well.
Thank you so much for visiting my page!
– H-var
Click me for general contact, questions, mail, and business.
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